Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Day the Earth Stopped

What an insanely cool day!
My Wednesday (9-3-08) was a very cool, and surreal day. I went to Sunset Pacific Studios in downtown LA where The Asylum Productions were filming The Day the Earth Stopped (homage to/remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still). This movie is directed by and starring C. Thomas Howell (Pony-boy Curtis himself)! The supporting cast includes the legendary Judd Nelson. I was playing a soldier/SWAT officer in a sci-fi, futuristic film… just like last year when I did my only other feature film Radio Free Albemuth. And just like last year this one involved a car chase. Actually this one involved 4 car chases and in one of them I was the driver! That’s correct… I was the driver in a car chase, I was chasing a car being driven by C. Thomas Howell, and one of his passengers was Judd Nelson! It is all so crazy! Then later in the day, under the close personal direction of C.T. Howell, I did an intimate scene with Judd Nelson where I pointed the barrel of a rifle (M-16) at his face (just inches away). Guns and car chases and the stars of The Breakfast Club and The Outsiders. 3 days ago I didn’t know a thing about this project and now it’s over. That’s Hollywood and it is really cool!
The Day the Earth Stopped will be a direct-to-DVD release in December. Check it out and see me!

1 comment:

Jose Prendes said...

Hey Patrick,

This is Jose Prendes, the Production Coordinator on "DAY THE EARTH STOPPED". Thanks for getting the word out there, and glad you had a good time pointing guns at 80s icons.